Resolution of a lawsuit by professional lawyers in Erbil
Resolution of a lawsuit on 8/8/216 in the field of abandoning property performed by the lawyers of Dogramaci for Advocates and Legal Consultancy law firm.
Read moreResolution of a lawsuit on 8/8/216 in the field of abandoning property performed by the lawyers of Dogramaci for Advocates and Legal Consultancy law firm.
Read moreOur law firm have professional lawyers with specific specializationssuch as; Legal Advice and Consultation, Lawsuits and Arbitration, Management of Companies' Legal Affairs, Banks and Financial Institutions, Visa and Residence Permission and Immigration, Drafting Contracts and Partnership Contracts, Income Tax
Read moreReconciliation in a lawsuit of a residential community, in which the legal dispute was between the main contractor and a subcontractor, and the dispute was over the amount of (500,000 $) five hundred thousand USD. This problem was resolved
Read moreEstablishment of 8 foreign companies and 11 local companies by specialized lawyers in Dogramaci for Advocates and Legal Consultancy law office during the year (2016).
Read moreResolution of a lawsuit of a partnership liquidation among a group of companies on 28/4/2016 by specialized lawyers in Native Dogramaci Law Firm, and the value of the partnership is estimated to be about (1,535,000 $) one million five
Read moreRegistering (381) trademarks by specialized lawyers in Dogramaci for Advocates and Legal Consultancy law firm during last 4 years.
Read moreA lawsuit was resolved by Dogramaci for Advocates and Legal Consultancy law firm in the field of trademarks and intellectual property which its value estimated to be (3,000,000 $) three million USD, and the final decision was taken in
Read moreResolution of a lawsuit in the civil court by our lawyers in Dogramaci for Advocates and Legal Consultancy law firm regarding a loan with an amount of (250,000 $) two hundred and fifty thousand dollars until its last stages
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