الأولوية لعملائنا

نحن متكونون من فرق من المحاميين موزعين على اشكال مجاميع و حسب التخصصات بحيث تحسم العشرات من الدعاوي سنويا ً في كافة انواع المحاكم كمحاكم المدنية والاحوال الشخصية ومحاكم الجنح والجنايات. وكل انواع الدعاوي كالدعاوي الدين والحجز الاحتياطي والمحاسبة بين الشركاء والدعاوي الحيازة، والدعاوي المتعلقة بالعقود بكافة انواعها، وكذلك في كافة مراحلها القانونية، كالاستئناف والتمييز. هذا مع تنفيذ الاحكام المحاكم مع كافة اجراءاتها القانونية.

In order to develop the label of the productive and commercial companies working with Dogramaci for Advocates and Legal Consultancy, we consolidate all physical and human capabilities (Professional lawyers) to create a legally appropriate environment and legal protection to the clients from the friend companies.


Affordable Cost


Quality of Work

Have any question? Give us a call

+964 (0)771 6 777 666


We deliver reliable solution of disputes, advocacy, creative and effective business solutions and counsel. N-Dogramaci serves our clients by helping them achieve great business values. Our professional lawyers demonstrate a stable desire to explore the alternatives to resolve disagreements and consequently are able to work with other parties to find and follow the best path. Our primary goal involves a deep respect for the individual and client.


Our vision is to provide our clients with professional legal services in a timely and efficient manner.   We try to deal with each porblem with accountability and responsiveness, as if we were representing ourselves. We always focus our attention on the legal aspects of our client’s business so that our clients can focus their attention on the success of their business. Our vision reflects our values: integrity, service, excellence and teamwork.

What they are talking About

Trusted by more than 4,200 customers
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Meet the team

People that bring you results

Farid Najat Saleem

Lawyer, (Company Estabishment/Registration and Renewal, Taxes and Insurance)

Firsat Ali Karim

Lawyer, (Working in all the areas related to the law firm including criminal and civil lawsuits, as well as follow up the transactions of real estate registration, traffic directorate and residence.)

Huda Ibrahim Abdullah

Lawyer, working on companies' estabishment, renewal, liquidation, and taxes

Rawaz Babakir

Lawyer, (Company Estabishment/Registration and Renewal, Taxes and Insurance)

Wisam M. Salih

Working on Insurance including, organizing the affairs of registered companies in the insurance department and the calculation of the monthly lists and organizing them for the payment of staff subscriptions.

Nawzad Dogramaci

Lawyer/Legal Consultant, Company General Manager

Nareen Mohammed Sinjari

Lawyer, working on different lawsuits and litigations

Mohammed Totonchi

Lawyer, Working on Residence Permit and Visa

Ahmad Saffar

Laywer, working on different legal issues in the governmental departments such taking approval, real estate issues, ...etc.

Ali Izzaddin Bakir

Lawyer, (Specialized in all lawsuits including civil, criminal, administrative and legal lawsuits and administrative transactions in all governmental departments. In addition to, performing all transactions related to the banks, mortgage and distraint procedures and distraint removal for the clients.)

meet our consultants

We can help you stand out your business